Ed Gein

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In the violent history of serial killers, one name seems to stand out among the others. Ed Gein, known as a shut-in by the townsfolk of Plainfield, Wisconsin, was found to have murdered a local woman named Bernice Worden. What followed were some of the most gruesome and shocking discoveries in American serial killer history, as a collection of body parts, some used to make a “woman suit,” were found by local police. The nature of Ed Gein’s crimes would go on to inspire other horrific fictional characters in contemporary pop culture. What can drive someone to commit such strange and terrible acts?

Find additional information on Ed Gein here

Find the Child Protection and Sexual Predator Punishment Act of 1998 here

Learn more about serial killer typologies here

Read about the FBI’s Symposium on serial killing here

Learn more about Jung’s complexes here

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