Abraham Lincoln & Precognition
According to legend, President Abraham Lincoln once had a dream that foreshadowed his death at the hands of an assassin. In the dream, he even saw the exact location his body would be laid to rest. Legend also had it that Lincoln was a known follower of the spiritualist movement, and that there were many instances where he seemed to predict the future. Is time a linear construct or something more fluid? Why do we sometimes feel as if we can foretell events that have yet to pass? How does the wisdom of our body give us information in which to make sometimes fateful decisions?
Read more about President Lincoln’s precognitive dream here
Read Daryl Bem’s original study Feeling the Future here, and the follow up metanalysis here
Find Gore Vidal’s novel Lincoln here
Find Gore Vidal’s essay Lincoln, and the Priests of the Academe in United States: Collected Essays here
Learn more about phenomenology by reading The Spell of the Sensuous by David Abram here
Find Daniel Kahneman’s book Thinking, Fast and Slow here